© Keith Hoare
Made by Keith

Welcome to my website! 

Here, you can browse through my 35 titles currently

available. All titles are offered in paperback, ebook, and a

select few in audio format.

A red star next to a title indicates that the first few

chapters are available to read for free on line."

Within my two series, International Crime and Fantasy,

the titles are listed in a way that shows the progression

of the characters. However, I also have several titles

within the International Crimes series that can be enjoyed

as stand-alone stories, providing various reading options.

As a guideline, books one and two are essential to

understanding the heroine. Book five solidifies our

heroine's new life.   

Sometimes, the crimes committed against others are so severe that the perpetrator is believed to be denied passage into the next life until retribution is made. Donald Blackmon is one such individual. For over eighty years, Blackmon has been searching for the one person whose mind he can enter, manipulating their life and future to facilitate his ambitions. Lisa Jones, after four long years of saving, finally embarks on her journey to visit her pen pal in South Africa. For Lisa, this visit will set in motion a series of events that will challenge her sanity and threaten her very survival when Blackmon selects her. Their alliance in crossing the boundary of two worlds that should always remain separate has consequences. People will die, with allegiances formed and broken, all in the pursuit of wealth. However, such wealth will always come at a cost, changing lives forever.
I have been writing for fifteen years and am lucky enough to live in a three-hundred-year-old farmhouse with views across the Lancashire hills. My writing repertoire is diverse, encompassing International Crime as a primary focus. However, I have also delved into the realms of romance and fantasy, and recently, I ventured into the paranormal genre with my latest title. The most popular titles are a series following the life of one girl. I'm surprised there are twenty-three books in the series, and I still receive e-mails from readers following the girl's life asking for more! I can assure all the fans that I am penning yet another title to add to the series. Even so, I'm excited to dip my toes into the paranormal. It offers such diverse routes to explore, opening up new worlds. But we will see how loyal readers accept my first title in this genre. Thank you for visiting my site. If you fancy one of my titles, please read the first few chapters with my compliments.

Welcome to Keith’s Books

Here, you can browse through all the 35 titles currently


All titles are offered in paperback, ebook, and a select

few in audio format.

A red star next to a title indicates that the first few

chapters are available for free online.

Within our two series, International Crime and Fantasy,

the titles are listed in a way that shows the progression

of the characters. However, we also have several titles

within the Internal Crimes series that can be enjoyed

as stand-alone stories, providing various reading options.

As a guideline, books one and two are essential to

understanding the heroine.

Book five solidifies our heroine's new life.  

Sometimes, the crimes committed against others are so severe that the perpetrator is believed to be denied passage into the next life until retribution is made. Donald Blackmon is one such individual. For over eighty years, Donald has been searching for the one person whose mind he can enter, manipulating their life and future to facilitate his ambitions. Lisa Jones, after four long years of saving, finally embarks on her journey to visit her pen pal in South Africa. For Lisa, this visit will set in motion a series of events that will challenge her sanity and threaten her very survival when Blackmon selects her. Their alliance in crossing the boundary of two worlds that should always remain separate has consequences. People will die, with allegiances formed and broken, all in the pursuit of wealth. However, such wealth will always come at a cost, changing lives forever.
I have been writing for fifteen years and am lucky enough to live in a three-hundred-year-old farmhouse with views across the Lancashire hills. My writing repertoire is diverse, encompassing International Crime as a primary focus. However, I have also delved into the realms of romance and fantasy, and recently, I ventured into the paranormal genre with my latest title. The most popular titles are a series following the life  of one girl. I'm surprised there are twenty-three books in the series, and I still receive e-mails from readers following the girl's life asking for more! I can assure all the fans that I am penning yet another title to add to the series. Even so, I'm excited to dip my toes into the paranormal. It offers such diverse routes to explore, opening up new worlds. But we will see how loyal readers accept my first title in this genre. Thank you for visiting my site. If you fancy one of my titles, please read the first few chapters with my compliments.